Alerta do Google - Connecticut Weather

Connecticut Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de dezembro de 2017
Strong winds were predicted for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island with gusts up to 65 mph (105 kph). In upstate New York, Syracuse police have investigated more than 85 crashes over the past three days, due to the snowfall and wintry mix of weather, WSTM reported. Even in a part of the ...
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An early-morning wind advisory from the National Weather Service warned of gusts up to 55 miles per hour across Connecticut, Long Island and New York City. About 500 Long Island customers were affected by power outages early Monday afternoon, according to PSEG Long Island's website. "Gusting ...
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The windchill would influence it to feel like 20-degree weather, he included. Explorers in parts of southern New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Jersey could confront an elusive morning with solidifying precipitation and additionally slush making occasion ventures perilous. On Saturday, the ...
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