Alerta do Google - Connecticut State

Connecticut State
Atualização assim que ocorre 2 de dezembro de 2017
However, when he failed to report for his first meeting with his probation officer, officials said they attempted to contact Wright only to find the address he gave them in Monroe was a vacant lot and the telephone number was the hotline number for the state Department of Children and Families. On Sept.
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House Republican Leader Themis Klarides of Derby said, "The deficit was expected because the state's budget policies over the years have been built on false assumptions, that increasing taxes will be sufficient to meet spending levels. … Connecticut's finances will likely continue to suffer because of ...
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SALEM, Ore. (AP) — The Democratic Party of Oregon filed a complaint Friday against Secretary of State Dennis Richardson, the top Republican state official, alleging he tried to sway voters against a ballot measure on a health-care tax that is the subject of a special election in January. In a letter to ...
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SEATTLE (AP) — Nearly two-thirds of Washington voters sat out the Nov. 7 election, setting a new low mark for turnout. Just 37.1 percent of the state's 4.3 million registered voters participated, according to Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman's office. That beat out the previous record ...
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