Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de dezembro de 2017
According to police, around 11:30 p.m., 27-year-old Karalyn Mikucionis arrived at 485 Greenfield Avenue and assaulted a woman before stabbing a man in the chest. Officials later arrived and placed Mikucionis under arrest. The victims were treated at a local hospital. Police say a child was present at ...
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The LAPD bomb squad responded to the package, which police say was marked as being from "the American people." Secret Service spokesman Cody Starken said Monday that the agency was contacted by Los Angeles police and interviewed a person who claimed responsibility. He declined to ...
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Police Chief Superintendent Romulo Sapitula said all those killed in the pre-dawn collision in La Union province's Agoo town were in the van, known as jeepneys. Another 10 van passengers, along with the driver and 17 other occupants of the bus, were injured. The van's engine was ripped off due to ...
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BIG TIME NEWS Out Of Connecticut... WHOA!
The massive search for K-9 'Texas' spanned a day and a half and included volunteers on foot and horseback, a police chopper and drone, Connecticut State Police said. "That dog is one of us, it's not just a dog," Capt. David Delvecchia said, according to Fox 61 Hartford. 'Texas' got loose as he caught ...
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