Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 22 de dezembro de 2017
... police and Danbury police and fire departments plan to resume their search for Texas Friday morning. As of Thursday afternoon, Ridgefield police joined the search. Many on- and off-duty troopers and public safety officials also joined the search, as did civilian volunteers and hikers from Connecticut, ...
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Connecticut State Police are searching for a man accused in a robbery and threatening situation that happened at a rest stop in New Canaan. Police said it happened around 4:30 a.m. on Thursday at the Alltown convenience store and Dunkin Donuts, both located at the Route 15 north service area in ...
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Bridgeport police department
His email, along with Perez's order, were obtained by Hearst Connecticut Media. Police said Lattanzio killed himself at a Bridgeport park Monday morning. It is responsible for most law enforcement within PoliceApp helps the Bridgeport CT police department post job descriptions for candidates applying ...
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