Alerta do Google - Connecticut Weather

Connecticut Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 2 de janeiro de 2018
The National Weather Service forecast says the "warmest" day this week will be Wednesday with a high of 28 along the Long Island Sound shoreline and about 2 degrees colder inland. ... Current forecast models project 1 to 3 inches for western Connecticut; more is likely in the eastern part of the state.
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Several Connecticut families welcomed new members on New Year's day. The first Connecticut baby of the new year was welcomed by Branford residents Harrison and Amelia Levy at Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital just after midnight. Their first daughter, Layla Rose, weighed in at 8 pounds and ...
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While Connecticut woke up to another day of frigid temperatures on Tuesday, concern has been growing over a potential snow threat for Thursday. Meteorologist Scot Haney said a winter storm watch was issued for Rhode Island for Wednesday night through Thursday. "It's for everybody east of ...
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