Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de janeiro de 2018
A Connecticut task force on police body cameras that was created last year amid calls for more accountability in law enforcement has yet to meet because lawmakers have only ... 1 on ways to increase police body camera use and other issues, but lawmakers say the panel's work may be delayed a year.
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Connecticut State Police announced that their K-9 German Shepherd Brutus will now have his own protective vest. He's the fourth state police dog to receive body armor. Each vest can weigh up to about five pounds and is valued at almost $2,300. The money for Brutus' vest came from private donations, ...
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BRIDGEPORT—A routine morning prisoner count ended in mayhem Wednesday morning when one arrested in custody became violent, police said. The prisoner, whose name and gender has not been released, injured several officers as they attempted to restrain him, police said. "Numerous officers ...
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The Columbus mayor says the city will hire an additional 30 police officers on top of already scheduled hires this year as Ohio's biggest city struggles with a record high homicide rate. The additional 30 officers announced Wednesday by Mayor Andrew Ginther would give the ...
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Police are interviewing Washington State quarterback Tyler Hilinski's friends and people who knew him to try to learn why he apparently took his life. Police Chief Gary Jenkins says officers have no apparent motive for the death of the 21-year-old athlete, who was dead in his Pullman, Washington, ...
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