Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de janeiro de 2018
Among those honored Monday were New Haven police school resource officer James Baker, who works at James Hillhouse High School. Baker is a rookie in the program, having started volunteering last September. He primarily volunteers helping kids ages 5 to 12 involved in basketball and football.
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Police say on August 28th, officers received information from the Connecticut State Police Computer Crime Unit of a person in Westport sharing a picture of child pornography over Facebook with someone who does not live in Connecticut. An investigation was initiated and police were able to identify the ...
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PARIS (AP) — The husband of a slain jogger has been detained by French police three months after the killing in eastern France prompted marches and a wave of emotion across the country. Randall Schwerdorffer, a lawyer for Jonathann Daval, said Monday that his 34-year-old client denied any ...
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