Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 22 de novembro de 2017
Police have taped off the area and are still on scene. Wolcott Street will remain closed for most of the day in the area of Lydia Street and Pritchard Road, according to police. The crash is still under investigation. Connecticut State Police are assisting the Waterbury Police Department with their ...
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As police continued their investigation that morning, the Hartford Major Crimes Division was then contacted by an off-duty Hartford police officer, who said his half-brother was the driver involved. The driver was later identified as Nathen Negron. Detectives went to Negron's parents' home where he was, ...
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Court documents and statements showed that Bridgeport police and emergency medical personnel responded to a residence in Bridgeport for a report of what appeared to be an overdose in the early morning hours of June 29, 2016. First responders found a 25-year-old woman on the floor of a bedroom ...
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