Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 22 de novembro de 2017
A drunken driver hit two pedestrians and a parked car in Norwalk early this morning and both people who were struck have serious injuries, according ...
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Authorities say a man angered over people driving dangerously through a busy intersection appeared to intentionally cause a crash there to highlight ...
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PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A grand jury in Oregon is scheduled in early December to review the Portland police shooting of an unarmed Tacoma, ...
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SEATTLE (AP) — Seattle police are investigating a hit-and-run crash where a 61-year-old male cyclist was killed. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer ...
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Fairfield County CT Police Departments
Older revision Revision as of 13:49, 21 November 2017 Line 39: Line 39: |BRIDGEPORT||154.7250||R||N501||Ch 1 Dispatch||2017.11.21 Alarmroom.
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3-Year-Old Killed In Connecticut After Teen Fleeing Police Crashes Car
Close. A teenager fleeing Waterbury police on Tuesday afternoon lost control of his vehicle on South Main Street in Waterbury, Connecticut, and ...
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