Alerta do Google - Connecticut State

Connecticut State
Atualização assim que ocorre 6 de março de 2017
A recent study released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) says the state of Connecticut's economy dropped by nearly $700 million ...
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Michael Barker, in his March 2 Letter to the Editor, supports the National Popular Vote Compact, a proposed new law which would have Connecticut ...
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State lawmakers are considering a bill that would prohibit licensed professionals from performing conversion therapy on minors, a practice designed ...
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Connecticut craft beer boom shows no signs of slowing ... If it seems like new craft breweries are opening in Connecticut faster than ever, ... In 2011, there were 16 microbreweries, brewpubs and contract brewers in the state.
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Changes and consolidations in the financial-services industry inspired 24 independent firms around the U.S., including three in Connecticut, to form ...
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HARTFORD — Connecticut is the latest state to consider legislation that would ban any licensed professional from engaging in "conversion therapy," a ...
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They have selected East Windsor, Connecticut as the location for the state's third casino, which is less than 20 minutes from the state line.
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