Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 6 de março de 2017
A worker pocketed $4,500 given to her by people buying parking passes at the city train station in November and December. (2:24 PM). Police: Milford ...
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FAIRFIELD, CTPolice are continuing to investigate an attempted robbery of People's United Bank in Southport and the recent robbery of the ...
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The neighbor contacted police after receiving a package that was shipped ... MIDDLETOWN, CT — A Middletown woman is accused of having more ...
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NEW LONDON,CT - Police said they arrested a New London man at his home Sunday on charges of cultivating marijuana. Officers arrested Paul ...
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HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — The parents of a University of Connecticut student who died after being run over by a campus fire department vehicle are ...
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During September 2016 the Hartford Police Department responded to the Walmart store in Hartford after receiving reports of a male video recording ...
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Police: Middletown woman received 7 pound cocaine delivery
MIDDLETOWN — A Middletown woman has been charged after police said she received more than seven pounds of cocaine in the mail. Middletown ...
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