Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 6 de março de 2017
Police: Woman Receives Delivery of Cocaine. A Connecticut woman has been charged after police say she received more than seven pounds of ...
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The male, who was wearing a face mask with gloves and carrying a duffel bag, fled the scene southbound in Connecticut Registration 477ZVD, ...
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Police said that around 11 a .m. Lt. Hohn was driving on Hoyt Street next to Stamford police headquarters when he witnessed a man keying a parked ...
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Hartford police have arrested a suspect in a fatal August shooting that started as a fight in a parking lot. Hartford police allege that the suspect, ...
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Agent Brandon Ritchie has been with the Glastonbury Police Department since April 11, 2011. During 2016, Agent Ritchie took on the largest active ...
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WETHERSFIELD, CT — Lt. Don Crabtree of the Wethersfield Police Department, will represent law enforcement officers from Connecticut and the USA ...
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