Alerta do Google - Connecticut State

Connecticut State
Atualização assim que ocorre 12 de julho de 2016
New Haven Register
HARTFORD >> The state Bond Commission is poised to borrow $188.6 million Tuesday for a number of projects, including $1 million for ...
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CBS Local
The vehicle was seized by Connecticut state police and was later sent to Rhode Island for further examination by the state's forensic science unit, ...
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... was also called in to assist the Bethel, Danbury, Monroe, New Milford, Newtown, Ridgefield, Woodbury, and Connecticut State Police Departments.
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despp: Troopers Seek Suspect ID in Vehicle Thefts
State Troopers are looking to identify the male suspect. Images of the suspect were obtained via a video surveillance system in the greater Hartford ...
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Stephen Armstrong, Social Studies Consultant, Connecticut State ... College, Career & Civic Life: C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards.
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