Alerta do Google - Connecticut State

Connecticut State
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de julho de 2016
ROCKY HILL, CT - Dinosaur State Park continues its 50th anniversary celebration of the discovery of dinosaur tracks in Rocky Hill with a series of ...
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CBS News
Burnett says "when there is no separation of church and state there is no ... significant support from Southern Baptists and Pentecostals in the state.
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CBS Local
(AP) — The Old State House in Hartford may be closed, but the farmers ... A spokesman for the Connecticut Public Affairs Network, which handled ...
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CT Post
... reasonable suspicion of criminal activity had not passed in Connecticut. ... Following that incident, state troopers were assigned to the Golden Hill ...
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Hartford Courant
... which include the previous criminal arrests and his lawsuit against Central Connecticut State University that accuses the school of expelling him on ...
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