Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de julho de 2016
WTNH Connecticut News (press release)
NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (WTNH) – New Britain police are investigating a deadly crash. Officers responded to an accident at the intersection of Stanley ...
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ORANGE, CT — A 34-year-old West Haven woman has been charged with DUI in Orange, police said. Officers responded to the area of Bull Hill Lane ...
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NAUGATUCK, CT — A 41-year-old Prospect woman is accused of violating a protective ... Police said this contact was a violation of a protective order.
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This public information from Enfield police is accurate as of July 29, 2016. Items on this list reflect charges filed, not convictions.
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CT State Police see spike in DWI, wrong-way drivers
Connecticut State Police warn that scenario is playing out nearly every weekend, and is just one more danger tied to a dramatic spike in the number of ...
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