Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de julho de 2016
WTNH Connecticut News (press release)
Just after 1:30 a.m., Connecticut State Police responded to the 200 block of Boston Post Road on a report that a man had been struck by a vehicle.
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Alexis Valentin, 28, of 29 Queen St., was charged June 23 with breach of peace and first-degree trespass. Nelson Valentin Jr., 47, of 149 Clark St., ...
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2 hours. Study by Central Connecticut State University says more minorities are shot by police stun guns than white people ...
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Connecticut police more likely to use stun guns on minorities
Connecticut police more likely to use stun guns on minorities. Dodgecity_time_graphics_hutchinson. Posted By: By DAVE COLLINS Associated Press ...
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