Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de julho de 2016
Fox News Latino
Hartford, CT -- With Connecticut being the first state the require data collection on police Taser use, numbers were released on a first-of-its kind study.
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NBC Connecticut
Norwalk police officers are investigating an assault on Highland Avenue and they are searching for the assailant. Police said they are looking for a ...
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Fox 32 Chicago
CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson says he's moved more than 150 officers from behind desks to the streets. Johnson ...
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FOX 61
The South Windsor Police Department said they have notified Connecticut State Police "of the need for a sign" but it is a state road so they cannot put ...
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MOHTON, Pa. (AP) — Police say a central Pennsylvania man beat his friend for refusing to eat some ramen noodles. Brecknock Township police say ...
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Report: Connecticut police more likely to use stun guns on minorities
With Connecticut being the first state the require data collection on police Taser use, numbers were released on a first-of-its kind study.
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Community Police
In the late 1800's in America, the establishment of a police force was .... officer with the Connecticut State Police - Statewide Narcotics Task Force.
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Police Vehicles and Equipment
ONE (1) 2016 or 2017 Police Sedan with Package and equipment and One (1) 2017 SUV Police Package with equipment.
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Connecticut Gun Control Groups Illinois State Police
Available guns really prepared for of accessories might connecticut gun control groups illinois state police Away safely hand the real the pulsing ...
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