Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 13 de junho de 2016
CBS Local
(FARMINGTON,Conn./CBS Connecticut)– Farmington Police have identified the three people shot early Sunday in the parking lot of The Exchange on ...
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A man assaulted a woman in her car in West Haven early Sunday morning and police are trying to identify him. Police said the woman was coming ...
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... 150 Russians came to Marseille to cause trouble - WFSB 3 Connecticut .... Riot police have thrown tear gas canisters at soccer fans Saturday in ...
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ST. LOUIS (AP) — St. Louis police plan to increase their presence at PrideFest events this month in the aftermath of the fatal shootings in Orlando, ...
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suspicious death News
The New London Police Department is investigating a suspicious death that occurred at Lawrence + Memorial Hospital in the southeast Connecticut ...
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