Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 13 de junho de 2016
NBC Connecticut
(WTNH) — Police across the state are on high alert following the nightclub ... Now, in Connecticut, New Haven police say they will be paying close ...
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WTNH Connecticut News (press release)
(WTNH)- Willimantic police have arrested a local eighteen year old in connection with a stabbing on June 6th that left a nineteen year old man injured.
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(WTNH) – West Haven Police are looking for a man who they said assaulted a woman at her home on Gilbert Street around 2:00 a.m. on Sunday.
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WMUR Manchester
JAFFREY, N.H. (AP) — Police say they're investigating a reported shooting that left a 42-year-old New Hampshire man injured. Police received reports ...
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WTNH Connecticut News (press release)
(WTNH)– Police are releasing more of the names of the at least 50 people killed in the Orlando nightclub massacre and we're learning one of them is ...
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