Alerta do Google - Connecticut State

Connecticut State
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de maio de 2016
(AP) – A former Connecticut state employee and professional tax preparer has been sentenced to prison for tax evasion. Authorities say East Hartford ...
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Westport Now
Thousands of visitors, many from out of state, crowded the beaches of Sherwood Island State Park in Westport today to enjoy the Memorial Day ...
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Snapper collar won the Mississippi seafood crown for a chef from Jackson, while grouper cooked in a plastic bag did the job in Louisiana for a Monroe ...
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CT Post
The rules follow a bill passed by the state's legislature that requires midwives be licensed by the state while also setting educational requirements and ...
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Eastern Finance Association
Eastern Finance Association Mission To inform and educate students about the different aspects of finance, the financial realm, and expose them to ...
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