Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de maio de 2016
KOAT Albuquerque
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Albuquerque police say a man was critically wounded by officers responding to a domestic violence call.
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My Champlain Valley FOX44 & ABC22
Burlington Police Chief Brandon del Pozo says in a statement that ... Police were called to the encampment near the Barge Canal on May 25 and ...
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WASHINGTON (AP) — A District of Columbia man has been charged with sexual abuse after police say he forced a 17-year-old male to leave a Metro ...
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The child was conscious when officers arrived, police said. Officers treated the girl with oxygen and she was transported to Connecticut Children's ...
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WTNH Connecticut News
A female body has been discovered in the Quinnipiac River in New Haven Sunday afternoon. Police were called to the south end of the river near the ...
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CT Post
Jerome Police Chief Allen Muma says the 50-year-old man's purple SUV was spotted Friday afternoon by a couple who had pulled over on a road on ...
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