Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de maio de 2016
According to Italian police, 300 people in the hold went down with the second boat when it sank, while around 200 on the upper deck jumped into the ...
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Hartford Courant
An expert also said that Connecticut's state-run institutions continue to .... Many of the department's dozen investigators are former police detectives, ...
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Hartford Courant
HARTFORD — Police arrested a 32-year-old convicted felon Friday night after he evaded police and was found to be in possession of a shotgun.
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Police are still seeking the other six statues and for the thieves. ... News reports from Connecticut and other states cite thefts of bronze urns, metal ...
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WTNH Connecticut News
WATERBURY — A 26-year-old man was killed after he was hit by two cars early Saturday morning on Route 8, state police said. Melvin Gordils, of ...
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CT Post
Smoke rises from Islamic State group positions as Iraqi federal police take combat positions at the front line during fight against Islamic State outside ...
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CBS Local
The 3,430-square-foot structure includes new, modern restrooms and changing areas, offices for Environmental Conservation Police, a first aid station ...
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