Alerta do Google - Connecticut Police

Connecticut Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de maio de 2016
Andrey Gorman, 24, of 310 Boston Post Road, No. 152, Waterford, was charged Saturday with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, failure to ...
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JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli media say a police investigation has recommended indicting the wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over misuse ...
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The Lincoln Journal Star reports ( ) police on Saturday identified the victim as 35-year-old Robert Leazer. An autopsy completed ...
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MOUNTAIN HOME, Idaho (AP) — Mountain Home police say two elementary schools were vandalized, resulting in more than $50,000 in damage.
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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Police in Little Rock say officers responding to a burglary in progress at a home west of downtown found a woman dead ...
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MILWAUKEE (AP) — Police in Milwaukee are investigating a couple of shootings that resulted in non-life threatening injuries. The first occurred about ...
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